so in that case you are saying dfo = uosp?
we havent even played it yet.....
uo was built as a large scale pvp game as well centered around guilds..
do u think dfo is going to be a all pvp game do you think people will not play it just to set up shops and socialize as they did in Ultima while others go stricktly to pk or in my case fight people who want to pk people who are easy targets so they can collect their valuables.
i fail to see what your saying unless you have decided what dfo will be before playing
maybe i have some misconceptions on what dfo will be maybe not but then i havent played it yet everything is hearsay
all i know is the type of player i am
from the sounds of most of the posts here the guilds gonna be very red which is very much not like the kgb i knew
i myself would prefer to not be a red target. probly comes from my history in uo its just not how i see myself,so naturally this worries me.
if i became red id be 100% sure you would find me grinding wherever it was fastest to get back to a non kos status
i have no problems following orders but at this time i feel it needed to voice my opinion and say that the color red for me generally applies to the color of my clothing not my name and id like to keep it that way
thats what wars r for.
should i expect guild orders to make me red?
if so then things here have changed a lot more than i thought
id really like to know whats going to be expected when orders come down