Lots of us are grown up and have lots of responsibilities, kids, etc. So I have come up with a good plan. If you are considering skipping DF because of the economy, I have a solution.

I will be sponsoring several accounts that will be used for guild functions as I have in the last several games. If you would like access to once of these accounts, you can have it, but you may have to help with administrative functions and or share the password with guild leadership. Need some examples of what these accounts get used for?

1) Mules to carry goods
2) Spies to watch other organizations
3) Recruitment bots, and many others.

If you or anyone you know is skipping DF because of finances, have them send me a PM. This entire program is confidential, and I am very happy to do it.

Serving KGB,

[Linked Image from w3.the-kgb.com][Linked Image from oracle.the-kgb.com]
Star Citizen Hanger:
RSI Javelin Destroyer, Hull E, RSI Constellation Pheonix, Aegis Dynamics Retaliator, Banu Merchantman
F7A Military Hornet Upgrade, F7C-S Hornet Ghost, F7C-R Hornet Tracker, Origin 325a Fighter