Wow Derid if you think that the gfx in that video are better than WARs you must have been watching a different video than everyone else.

The graphics in these DF videos are horrendous. I also do assume that the graphics will get better over time as this is just Alpha stage footage. On the other side of that tho I would have thought they would be better than 1997 graphics.

Like I said tho, I am not even considering the graphics I just have no interest in playing Darkfall. The gameplay Mechanics didn't really look all that different than any other MMO.

I really do hope for all of the fans sake and their own sake they can really deliver. If they can deliver what they are hoping to the game should be fun.
Again nothing ground breaking but a throw back to UO pvp.


But I was turning purple from all that breath holding =( Here I go again ::inhales::