My brother Pat who passed away several years ago spent alot of time in Germany after the Vietnam War and he loved to eat cheese with German beer..He turned me on to the nuances of it when I was in my teens..He and I would go to certain markets in Manhattan and he would intensely study the cheeses until he found several that he liked and we would pick up some Kulmbacher Munchoff or Spaten and we would eat the cheese on tastless crackers and wash it down with a fine beer and watch a game on the tube or play chess for hours..
There is something special in the relationship between beer and cheese almost like one was made for the other..When you start off with the flavor of a good strong cheese in your mouth and then you wash in a good full flavored beer there is a moment of transition between the cheese and the beer that is very codependant and special and then the flavor rolls into the beer after taste.. I take it for granted now a days but your post reminded me of my first experiences with it and why..

Beer and Cheese FTW !!!