The siege was placed in the capable hands of Donkleaps, the KGB's Five Star General, and leader of our PvP operations.

With the entire alliance under the TAO guild tag, we rode on trusty steed to the battlekeep.

The attacks began on the outer keep walls in due course.

Before long, we saw ourselves beyond the first walls. The most hard-fought battlers were perhaps at this point, with our alliance taking hold in a tower before consolidating for another push.

Then, the siege on the gates of the inner walls began.

With the gates down and the Bellatoris Domini alliance held under control, the siege of the battlekeep went under way.

Then the moment came; the battlekeep was down, and we-

...wait, we lost?!

In Battlekeep sieges in Age of Conan, everything works on Guild PvP points. For us, we gained points for bringing down walls, and took points from them. But, it was realized that, somehow, Bellatoris Domini had accrued 2000 Guild PvP points before the siege ever began.

So we lost on points. No matter. This will forever be a great victory in the eyes of the Knights of Glory and Beer and her allies. We were challenged, we answered back, and we came away victorious.

The alliance sends their respect to the Bellatoris Domini alliance on a well-fought battle.

The KGB would like to thank our friends and allies; The Ancient Order, the Covenant of the Pheonix, the Undead Army, and the Purple Dragons. We fought as a strong and cohesive unit, under the command of KGB General Donkleaps,

Former KGB Member