The KGB Oracle
Posted By: Revol KGB-AoC - The Warriors' Domain: Conquered - 07/03/08 02:44 AM

In retaliation from the attack on The Ancient Order's battlekeep (which was successfully defended), a call to arms was made. With our alliance of KGB, TAO, CoTP, UDA, and Purple Dragons, we brought the fight to Bellatoris Domini, and took what is believed to be the first offensive battlekeep victory in Doomsayer history. Click the VIEW button below for more information and pictures.
Posted By: Revol Re: KGB-AoC - The Warriors' Domain: Conquered - 07/03/08 02:45 AM

The siege was placed in the capable hands of Donkleaps, the KGB's Five Star General, and leader of our PvP operations.

With the entire alliance under the TAO guild tag, we rode on trusty steed to the battlekeep.

The attacks began on the outer keep walls in due course.

Before long, we saw ourselves beyond the first walls. The most hard-fought battlers were perhaps at this point, with our alliance taking hold in a tower before consolidating for another push.

Then, the siege on the gates of the inner walls began.

With the gates down and the Bellatoris Domini alliance held under control, the siege of the battlekeep went under way.

Then the moment came; the battlekeep was down, and we-

...wait, we lost?!

In Battlekeep sieges in Age of Conan, everything works on Guild PvP points. For us, we gained points for bringing down walls, and took points from them. But, it was realized that, somehow, Bellatoris Domini had accrued 2000 Guild PvP points before the siege ever began.

So we lost on points. No matter. This will forever be a great victory in the eyes of the Knights of Glory and Beer and her allies. We were challenged, we answered back, and we came away victorious.

The alliance sends their respect to the Bellatoris Domini alliance on a well-fought battle.

The KGB would like to thank our friends and allies; The Ancient Order, the Covenant of the Pheonix, the Undead Army, and the Purple Dragons. We fought as a strong and cohesive unit, under the command of KGB General Donkleaps,
Posted By: Garal Re: KGB-AoC - The Warriors' Domain: Conquered - 07/03/08 03:13 AM
Good work guys =)
Posted By: Seaelf Re: KGB-AoC - The Warriors' Domain: Conquered - 07/03/08 08:27 AM
That points thing is crazy. It will be tough to take a keep.
The running theory from yesterday is that: if a Guild that already has a battle keep successfully declares battle on another keep, the defending keep will have more points. Likewise, if an attacking guild doesn't have a battle keep, the defending guild will have less points.

According to that, we were in trouble from the get-go. I think if that's the case, it makes sense. What doesn't make sense is that we destroyed and conquered their KEEP itself. If this happened for real in Hyboria, what would Conan do?

He would laugh at the point spread,
Seize the nearest wench for himself,
Hear the lamentation of her betrothed,
And slay all who opposed him as he declared the keep his.
I hear tale that conan uses kegs instead of rocks for catapults.

That way when he clears to the keep he will have something to drink while it burns.
Posted By: hydr Re: KGB-AoC - The Warriors' Domain: Conquered - 07/05/08 11:27 AM

I hear tale that conan uses kegs instead of rocks for catapults.

That way when he clears to the keep he will have something to drink while it burns.

oh geez thats making me laugh so hard my stomach hurts!
Posted By: Taxman Re: KGB-AoC - The Warriors' Domain: Conquered - 07/05/08 12:45 PM
Indeed, why would anyone need to defend a keep at all if they have points to keep it regardless? I am sure it will cost a pretty penny to rebuild everything (if that is the case), but that doesn't seem like much motivation if they actually win on a "point basis"!
So you don't actually get to take the keep for the guild if it is destroyed?
Posted By: Revol Re: KGB-AoC - The Warriors' Domain: Conquered - 07/07/08 09:43 PM
It isn't that simple.
Posted By: Uber Re: KGB-AoC - The Warriors' Domain: Conquered - 08/25/08 01:24 PM
Proud to nutcup zerg one guild with 6 makes me sick

Proud to nutcup zerg one guild with 6 makes me sick

You don't know what you are talking about and you should avoid commenting on such things.

AoC Seigeing is 48 people vs 48 people, there is no zerging and both sides of these battles brought people in from other guilds to get up to 48.

The seiges I took part in were mostly 3 guilds vs 3 guilds though of course each side was under 1 tag.
It's Uber's job to make obnoxious comments - always has been, always will be. You're just lucky he spared you his ultra deadly CAPS LOCK ATTACK!

Posted By: Uber Re: KGB-AoC - The Warriors' Domain: Conquered - 09/04/08 06:57 PM

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