I realize this thread has been silent for a while.

But how can you not put: Fat Albert, The Great Space Coaster, Hong Kong Fuey, Blue Falcon, Hannah Barbara's: Laugh Olympics, or Fraggle Rock up there?

I would of said "Star Blazers" as well, but someone was cartoon savvy enough to already mention it. Star Blazers had it all. Japanese depth and complexity for storyline and a space theme with the most awesome "Wave Motion Gun" and the aesthetics of modern day space Destroyer Yamato. Unfortunately the anime was more in a stylized Disney with poor depth on the color. Still for being hand drawn frame by frame, this was by far and away the best of the best for the 80's.

Non Animated 80's:
3-2-1 Contact
Baseball Bunch with Johnny Bench
The Land of the Lost

Last edited by Tasorin; 01/18/09 01:30 PM.