Actually he did repudate it live on CNN Owain, I saw it on youtube lol. Wolf Blitzer grilled him about it, and he answered.

Right choice for president?

No democrat, unfortunatly. More of th same from them , but now with more socialism. Depressing IMO, because there were some actual good ideas on how to reshape the party coming out of the Democratic Leadership Council a couple years back.

Some elements of the DLC were advocating things like:
- Stop going after peoples right to bear arms
- Dis-entangle from the unions and culture of entitlement
- Focus on helping and improving programs that were
efficient, and actually work to some extent, like
Medicaid as opposed to new huge bueracracies
- Focus on reigning in Bush's new intelligence doctrines
and maintain the DEMs as the party of civil liberties
- Focus on popular federal programs regarding federal
funding of science, such as broadband initiatives
and stem cell research***

Unfortunatly the current Democratic candidates do not
represent any of those ideals really, and honestly probably
will never happen. When things go well, people stop voting
for the party who promises to help those who arent as well
off. They feel that they re-learned that with Clinton(1)
so dont expect any rational policy out of the Dems anytime

Obama out of the group though, if one is forced to vote democrat. As I have said elsewhere, Hillary is plain evil. If someone wants me to back that claim up, I will be happy to , but to sum it up - shes a socialist, shes for censorship, she hates video games (more like she loves the special interests who hate them) , she hates liberty, she loves huge government and also wants to enshrine massive profits for the insurance companies into a national policy that your average Joe cannot escape. Oh, and she takes massive sums from those who spy on us. (information brokers like seisint and equifax)

Obama I think wants to do good, he just doesnt know how. Edwards is even more of a socialist than Hillary, even though I would consider him a generally decent person for a politician.

On the republican side, we have a Mormon, a Senile Senator** and a Preacher who all seem to want to be a bigger, badder Bush. Some of the things flying out of their mouths are plain frightening, I hope they are talking about how they would lead a video game guild, not a RL nation.

Then of course we have Ron Paul. Ron Paul wont get nominated, unfortunatly- but his movement in the GOP is the only remnant of rationality left as far as I can tell. What he says about the economy, finance and the need for us to give up our "empire" are, to the best of my reasoning correct. He does not advocate instant abolition of most
of the current programs, but does advocate a gradual movement of many of them to the free market.

He is the only candiate who advocates for LESS government, even the other GOP players now think the answer to everything is more government control of your life, and more government spending.

Incidentally, among accountants and other financial workers, he is far and away the favorite. I can find the articles about it, it was interesting. He is also in line with the philosophies of Ayn Rand.

So, vote for Paul - at least in the primary. Because if we dont start giving the RNC a clue that what we want and need is liberty, as opposed to religion-based cultural conservatism, frankly in the long run we are all screwed.

I am firmly convinced that the only real hope for liberty and prosperity in this nation, is a rejuvination of the GOP
by young, rational minds who have re-realized that people should live for themselves and want the liberty to do so unhindered by overwhelming taxes, regulation and economic pidgeonholing at the federal level.

**( I voted for McCain in the 2k primary actually,and think he would have been 100x the Prez Bush was, but in the last few years he embraced the Bush Doctrines and also voted for the Patriot act, plus likes to limit political speech so I dont consider him a worthy candidate. Watching him speak over those years, it was pretty clear from his body language
that he had become fairly bitter and insincere, and had basically sold his own sense of morality down the pike to pander to the power-brokers and money-raiser who helped propel Bush to the White House, in anticipation of his own bid. )