I have 2 Nostromo speed pads, and it's a super cool device, all of the keys are mappable, etc... The only cons to the product that I've noticed is a barely noticeable response delay (I first noticed it while playing Counter Strike: Source, and that's the only game I've had an issue with) and I'm pretty sure it would be more comfortable if I had bigger hands. The arch to rest your hand on is kind of clunky, I wish I could move it down and closer to the keys, if I could do that then it would be perfectly comfortable.

The features I REALLY like on it are the D-pad and the scroll wheel, these are perfect for swapping weapons in FPS style games, and I'm sure if DF or AoC has a weapon hotswap (read: 'w' key from Diablo 2) it would be super convenient.

[Linked Image from zandadev.com]