KGB Prime Minister Romeo Montague has returned to active duty with the intention of restoring the KGB UO Hybrid presence to faction status. As one of our Prime Ministers, Romeo has agreed to take direct control of the Faction with the assistance of officers that are new to leadership.

KGB Knight, Twisted Date has been a great asset to KGB for a long time. At this time I am promoting Twisted Date to the rank of Chancellor, KGB Hybrid Faction reporting to Prime Minister Romeo Montague.

Chancellor, KGB UO Hybrid Faction

I am also granting Chancellor Twisted Date the rank of KGB Senator. She will carry this title and gain access to the KGB Senate even after her tour as Chancellor.

KGB Senator

I plan to announce at least one more Chancellor to assist Romeo in the near future.
I hope that all of you will do your best to support the KGB UO Hybrid Faction and offer Chancellor and KGB Senator Twisted Date congratulations on her new positions and status.

On this 10th Anaversary of KGB's existance, lets put the past behind us and move forward into the next glorious 10 years!

Serving KGB,
JetStar, KGB High King

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