Well i and Darka started this game last night. Its kinda fun and leveling is a bit to easy. As in you click two buttons and your charcter runs around killing shit and you dont have to do anything. I did laundry , washed dishes , watched a movie, played board games with some people online and im level 40 lol. Has pvp but not high enough yet. Quest are intresting but not very clear atm, though we did finish the first one. All quest are automaticly in your logg, no going to hunt down quest givers untill turn in time.

But so far for free its pretty fun.

BTW we are on world server, server 2 if anyone feels like playing

Last edited by Ripiv_Vipir; 06/16/07 05:41 AM.

I have a high art, I hurt with cruelty those who would seek to damage me.