Originally Posted By: Hobbitlauncher

Hopefully I can track one down in game.

Yea I know... sexeh!!!

I have one in a "checkout" bin... but I am having a hard time justifying it (well other than I WANT one) - we will DEFINITELY be able to buy them in-game with in-game currency, but having LTI on a ship that may be blown up a LOT (combat drop ship) is attractive as well. I don't want to melt my Carrack or other ships for it either! So - definitely know your pain! Hehe

I can pick it up for $380 - so not as bad as I thought it would be; but still...

Edit: Ah well... I went ahead and picked one up! [suicide]

Last edited by Taxman; 11/20/16 10:11 PM.


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- Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers