The Prowler will be an "Alien Tech" ship - I think that it will be an Interdiction/Boarding craft with some sort of stealth tech. The "boarding pods" idea sounds pretty cool, similar to the mini-swarm craft from the latest Star Trek film. Certainly the days of "sneaking" up unnoticed to a ship to slip people onboard was age of sail days type thing. You can't just drive around "cloaked" trying to sneak aboard, it has to be some sort of interdiction/disabling tech to make much sense in the Star Citizen universe.

@Tasorin - Yea it is called keeping the studio/people PAID while the game is developed. Game development isn't cheap - AAA games especially, and they are working on 2 (albeit using the same engine) games concurrently (Squadron 42 and Star Citizen).

Side note: It would REALLY be nice if all (or more) of our folks logged their ships at the website mentioned above, so we can get a better idea what we have in our "fleet".

I think the new "Org" tools in the works will have some of the same features, but we have no idea when those will release - or exactly what "fleet" tools will actually be included.

Last edited by Taxman; 11/16/16 12:23 PM. Reason: added note


"Any group is weaker than a man alone unless they are perfectly trained to work together."
- Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers