So I have tested out VA recently in Star Citizen. It is pretty awesome. However some of the premade VA profiles that users have made will not work that great in 2.4 yet as their was a change to the keybindings and the premade VA profiles you can find online have not been updated yet.

When I first got VA I was looking for a better voice to use. I found a premade ANNA VA profile on the SC forum however, her voice doesn't work in win10. To say the least, the default voices in win10 speech recognition are pretty bad. In my search for a better option I came across this link on the SC forum.

I must say, wow!!! These are awesome! Totally worth it for the the small price, they also have all the voice commands you would want, so no need to tool around in VA to customize. I watched all of the demos on each voice pack and I think I like ASTRA the most because it sounds similar to the voice in EVE Online.

I have not bought one yet but will after I confirm they work in 2.4!

Last edited by hydr; 07/06/16 10:41 AM.