And 2.1 likely within the next few weeks. That will open up the servers a bit more (40 cap vs 16 now).

I have been able to play for several hours in 2.0 Mini-PU "Universe" without major issues. Sometimes the server you are on may drop (depends on what type of demented things other players may be doing - Crashing a Connie Andromeda fulle-speed into Port Olisar/etc). Mostly issues that I am seeing are ship-related, and I am reporting them as issues to the bug council.

The more we write up issues - the quicker they can fix/address them! :-) SO GET OUT THERE! 2.0+ is live for everyone!


"Any group is weaker than a man alone unless they are perfectly trained to work together."
- Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers