For the other folks who have PTU/Alpha 2.0 access; so far I haven't been able to actually get in-game, seems they have limits on active players/etc as well because all I am seeing are "Server Full" type errors. I will keep trying at different time-periods though.

UPDATE: Of course after writing this I went off, updated PTU and tried again and after a couple of "Server Busy" attempts, I GOT IN! Totally amazing... but yes still dodgy, I had a couple of client crashes (to desktop) and a few server (or at least the area I was in) crashes. Until we can get in - and stay in, it will be a bit before we'll be able to all hop in and crew a Connie or my Retaliator! But it was... totally amazing! Will keep trying!!


"Any group is weaker than a man alone unless they are perfectly trained to work together."
- Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers