Originally Posted By: Instrument
Originally Posted By: Brommas
I actually support the unloading of cargo.

I don't want it to be something that takes forever but I certainly don't want it to be something that happens instantly.

Perhaps being able to hire someone to unload your cargo could be an option at spaceports.

If this game is just a space pew pew title then it will be mighty disappointing to many people myself included.

same here why go to the trouble of having real cargo in the ship just for it to go virtual as soon as you land

you sell an item on your mobi glass and a man pops out of a door in your hanger on a fork lift and takes the item away could be done in less than 30 sec's after all forklift drivers are faster than F1 drivers

That isn't what the unwashed masses in the Sub Den were asking for. They want you to spend a significant time sink, think almost mini game, without the game to unload your cargo and move it physically yourself.

Don't insinuate that I don't want depth and breadth in this title. If it was just a rail shooter in space for $70M, they are doing a ton of Coke and spending a lot of money on anything but the game. I don't want a "life simulator" though either when the core of the game is space jockey immersion, exploration, combat, spacial politics and economics.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!