This is a big step forward it contains the first mission in SC
people who have posted videos are actually adding "spoiler alerts" to them

Star Citizen Patch v1.1.2

This release contains the tutorial section of Arena Commander! Please be sure to report any issues found within it! :)

Arena Commander Module

•Added a flight tutorial to the game
•Added a conversation system that allows NPCs to detect a character's location and initiate dialogue
•Added backend functionality for game events to disable and enable specific ship controls and ship systems
•Added an in-hangar flight system for usage in the tutorial
•Added animation to the thruster irises on the Cutlass
•Added audio for getting into the cockpit of the Redeemer
•Added dust effects for when thrusters are being used inside of the hangar
»User Interface
•Added screen effects for tutorial Hint Nodes
•Added icons and images for the tutorial hints
•Added images for tutorial mode select
•Added visual shader in holotable to identify what items where purchased through REC
•Implemented UI messages to players explaining reasons they may have been kicked back to the hangar
•Added animations and audio for the hangar doors of the Asteroid hangar in the tutorial to open and close
•Added animating time-out meter in Capture the Core
•Added new hangar flair Khartu-Al miniature

•Capped party size to 4 players for public games aside from Murray Cup Racing
•Multi-crew functionality - passengers are killed when the pilot dies or disconnects to prevent characters from getting stuck
•Updated finding a public match so the server now finds the best fit rather than stopping at the first match it finds
»Components •Balance pass on Tempest missiles - toned down Field of View, Speed, and Turning Speed
»User Interface
•Tweaked lobby UI screen transparency, making the hangar less visible through the UI

•Fixed radar / landing system not working when a copilot enters the ship before a pilot
•Fixed an issue that would cause the character to automatically interact with some objects after having left the sim pod
•Fixed an issue where the player would lose connection when exiting the holotable and become stuck on an infinite loading screen
•Fixed an issue reported during the Public Stress Test's where some members would get an "ERROR - Disconnection (Code 17) Unlocalized Error" at the end of a match
•Fixed an animation issue when the player is sprinting
•Fixed an issue where players could enter each other's ship while in flight
•Fixed an issue where decoupled mode was sometimes not disabled when taking off from a landing pad
•Fixed an issue when respawning, the ship had a chance to turn either left or right
•Fixed 'launched complete' dialogue issue with the 300 series
•Fix for the 300i's ladder causing the ship to wobble once landed
•Fixed an issue where the 300i did not have boost VFX for its main thrusters
•Fixed an issue where the 315p's main thruster effect was slightly off center
•Fixed missing power throttle art in Aurora's power management ship HUD
•Fixed the issue where the Aurora LN lost its wing hardpoints
•Fixed the ability to equip Scorpions on the Gladius wing hardpoints
•Fixed height of Super Hornet F7C-M's starboard side landing gear to be flush with front landing gear
•Fixed the M50's starboard wheel from briefly detaching itself from its strut when being deployed during landing
•Fixed a collision issue preventing the player character from entering the Cutlass from the rear
•Fixed an issue where the player would be sunken into the pilot seat of the Freelancer Max
•Fixed missing collision from the Redeemer's turret seat
•Fixed incorrectly positioned decals on the landing gear of the Retaliator
•Fixed missing muzzle flash from 9-series Longsword
•Fixed an issue where missile racks were not appearing in the holotable when an Aurora was selected
»User Interface
•Updated default gamepad controller image - strafe forward is now on Left Trigger+Right Bumper (LT+RB) and strafe back on Left Trigger+Left Bumper (LT+LB)
•Fix for not being able to cancel a lobby match search
•Fixed an issue where loading back into a lobby would reset the ship selection to its default
•Fixed an issue that was causing small asteroids to have metallic audio when shot
•Fixed an issue where both rings in Capture the Core appeared blue
•Fixed an issue where tutorial hanger was present in Dying Star Multiplayer Free Flight
•Fixed an issue with missing collision on space debris in Broken Moon
•Fixed graphical issues with catwalks in the Self Land hangar
•Fixed Murray Cup poster not appearing in Asteroid hangar
Known Issues:
•Gameplay divergence can cause situations where it appears like a ship is being hit but not taking damage, when the shots are actually missing the ship
•Weapon trail trajectories are inconsistent for targets that aren't being looked at resulting in game divergence
•Weapons fire can appear offset from weapon muzzle when fired while moving
•Turret gunners are not able to see weapon trails for shots that are fired by their pilot
•Combustion Pistol cannot be equipped
•Characters rolling while prone are not seen by other clients
•Entering or exiting a ship will cause other clients to see the character T-pose
•Characters will sometimes fail to animate correctly when exiting the pilot seat after landing
•Character will occasionally spawn in as a pair of eyes
•Client crash may occur when pressing 'x' to respawn after the pilot is killed by flying into an asteroid
•Interacting with various elements of a lobby has a chance of causing a client crash for invited players
•Unable to exit the cockpit if one of a ship's landing gear is missing
•Inverted controls do not work in default turret camera view
•Pilot loads into Arena Commander game modes with UI but no helmet
•When backing out from a server to the hangar the game client will crash
•Players are sometimes unable to respawn after one player leaves a Multiplayer match whilst all players are out of ships
•Client crash sometimes occurs when typing 'quit' in the console or exiting through the Options Menu
•Character will sometimes not have a head when viewed by other clients
•If two players enter a new public instance as a team for Capture the Core or Squadron Battle, they will be put on opposing teams
•In the tutorial, the landing pads are still active in the tutorial hangar showing more than 2 landing pads for the player to choose from that are inaccessible
•In the tutorial, there is a chance that the fail dialogue may not play or will cancel out for another line
•In the tutorial, the player can get stuck inside Gilly's cockpit by sitting in the cockpit whilst Gilly is climbing in
•In the tutorial, Gilly will skip a line referring to Boost at the beginning of Chapter 5 if you progress through the previous chapters. If you load directly into Chapter 5, he will not skip the line
•There are long loading times for loading into any chapter of the tutorial
•The player can be killed after receiving enough direct shots to the cockpit while playing through the tutorial
•Tutorial hints will sometimes show tips for the wrong controller type
•In the tutorial, the "Launch Missile" hint will keep appearing after the player has launched the missile
•The character's hands will be broken when driving the buggy
•Ships will sometimes sink into landing platforms in Multiplayer Free Flight when using automatic landing
•Landing mode gimbal locks weapons to the direction the Look Reticle was pointing when landing mode was activated; deactivating Landing Mode will correct them
•The character is using the running animation instead of the floating Zero-G animation when a pistol is equipped
•First person to load into the race game mode will spawn outside of the starting tunnel in race mode
•Landing on the landing pad using Assisted landing will launch the player forward as soon as the landing gear hits the landing pad
•Occasionally the player will hear a banging in the ship whilst flying, whilst in third person view graphical glitches appear to the source
•Stretched polygons will sometimes occur in Dying Star after a short time in the map - possibly related to having an AMD CPU & GPU
•Ship throttle is too sensitive when taking off
•All ships aside from the Hornet are missing ship trails when carrying a Core
•Occasionally when exiting a ship, the ship will lose its collision
•Weapons impacting shields are playing incorrect impact audio
•300i, Avenger, and Hornet will sometimes tilt back when landing on landing platforms
•HUD colors are inconsistent for the Avenger, Gladiator, all Hornet variants, and the Cutlass
•300 variants (except the 350r) have three engine / thruster hardpoints, letting the player move the engine off center or attach three engines
•Aurora intakes aren't displaying paint
•Equipping Longswords on an Aurora's bottom hardpoints will cause the ship to wobble once landed due to excess collision on the weapons
•Avenger has some doors that cannot be opened in Multiplayer
•Avenger pilot seat is missing its texture
•Look Reticle/Crosshair is sometimes missing upon respawn, cycling camera views will usually correct this
•Shooting the Gladiator with the pistol causes the hull skin to transition to fully damaged state
•Gladius damage states are detaching clean sections of the ship rather than showing damaged innards
•When entering the Gladius from a landing zone the user will hear "Landing request approved / complete"
•All Hornets are missing a pipe on the main thruster
•All Hornets' engine audio (boost and non-boost) is very low
•Character will sometimes spawn in standing in a Mustang variant's cockpit
•If the large engines on the Cutlass are removed on the holotable, they cannot be reattached
•Cutlass isn't attaching its Trireme thrusters for its default loadout
•Cutlass Trireme thrusters are not able to be attached in the holotable
•Character is sunk into the seat when sitting in the Cutlass Blue and Red
•Cutlass Blue's top turret is missing
•Killing a Cutlass will sometimes not award kill credit on the scoreboard
•Freelancer loading ramp has no collision
•Freelancer main thrusters are missing
•Character can get stuck inside a Freelancer's hull above its right landing gear
•Multiple objects in the Retaliator are missing use prompts
•Retaliator maneuvering thrusters are not in landing mode when in the hangar
•User folder issues can cause weapon ammunition to go missing as well as other ship component malfunctions
•Rattler Cluster missile second stage rockets will all use the same trajectory
•Missiles aren't inheriting velocity from the ship that launches them
•Thrusters cannot be deactivated in power management
•Seal Corporation shield generators will not be visible when equipped to Hornets
•Missiles cannot be seen by the player that fired them when moving at a high speed
•Missiles skip when chasing their targets
»User Interface
•Lag pips will drop out with increased distance depending on how quickly a ship is approaching their target (only happens within a few hundred meters)
•Shield hardpoint in the holotable is too small for Mustangs and 300 series
•Missiles have a small portion of the ship targeting UI on them after being launched
•Multiple in game items and ships are missing text and are displaying their internal names
•Paint objects in the holotable are placeholders
•Holding tab while ship's HUD initializes causes the HUD's score screen to default 'On'
•In the [Contact List] offline contacts appear as Online
•Multiple HUD elements are duplicated in Arena Commander
•The UI objective marker isn't appearing to help guide the player's through the tutorial
•Error messages for getting kicked back to hangar are not intuitive
•Thorshu Grey space crab does not have animations
•Red Elevator lights are active when elevator is not in use in the Self Land hangar
•Calendar flair screen is completely transparent
•Clouds are popping in and out during race modes
•There are several locations in the hangars where the character could fall out of the game world
•Left and right side bay rock walls are missing in Asteroid hangar
•There is missing collision on the second floor ledge in Revel & York

Last edited by Instrument; 04/28/15 10:56 PM.