ASCENSION and the new office of KGB KING / QUEEN

The Knights of Glory and Beer has become a family over the last 18 years. In that time, as your High King, I have become older and I hope wiser. I have thought of my own mortality and the fact that I want KGB to continue after I am gone. I have been working closely with Prime Minister Romeo Montague over the last couple of months, and I am at a point where I am ready to share with you.

I have updated the KGB Constitution to include the rank of (GM10) KGB High King, and giving the (GM5) position to a new role called KGB King / Queen. Essentially, the King / Queen has most of the rights and privileges of the High King, but allows for a veto and a slight limitation on some powers. Upon the death , resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the (GM10) High King / High Queen, the (GM5) King / Queen would immediately assume the office of High King / High Queen as written in the new Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the KGB Constitution.

Operationally, the KGB King / Queen will have all accounting codes, passwords, and access to all KGB domain, computing infrastructure, and game account access needed to continue KGB long beyond my personal presence on earth.

Please take the time to review this by clicking the link to the KGB Constitution on the right column. I am going to submit this to the Senate for approval as I do most things, and I would appreciate your support.

If you had not guessed, Prime Minister Romeo Montague would assume the office of (GM5) KGB King immediately upon implementation.

The High King, and King will share the 5 star royal seal I have carried since I assumed the rank of High King from the rank of GuildMaster way back in 1999.

On a personal note, I have no plans to leave KGB ever, and am looking forward to several new games on the horizon.

Thank you for your support and attention. Long live the Knights of Glory and Beer.

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Star Citizen Hanger:
RSI Javelin Destroyer, Hull E, RSI Constellation Pheonix, Aegis Dynamics Retaliator, Banu Merchantman
F7A Military Hornet Upgrade, F7C-S Hornet Ghost, F7C-R Hornet Tracker, Origin 325a Fighter