Originally Posted By: Tasorin
In 20+ years of gaming, the Holy Trinity (Tank, Healer, DPS) has never ever not been a good idea or worked. The/Our problem is almost no one spec'd from the start to level as a true Tank or a true Healer. We have DPS coming out our ass, but we lack dedicated Tanks and Healers who are highly active during prime time hours.

Something to think about because that paradigm is going to have to change in order to run instances and be combat effective in non-horde PvP.

I'll be blunt. That's because everyone got out leveling as fast as possible as a DPS. Cause DPS can solo shit content and get things done still. You want tank and healers? Start grouping with tanks and healers who are leveling to accelerate their leveling. Almost no xp and shit gear for you but that'd be the difference between 2 weeks to get a healer almost up but who abandon the game because he can't progress and one done in less than a week ready to eat dungeons like a champion.

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