Very well put Jet.

Also new players joining up I have been collecting "noobie" gear so Just give me a holla and I will get you started, then I will show you how to be efficient at gearing your self.

We can start having a noobie night where the vets get geared to roam and the new players pve. We did this once and it was glorious. I ran and healed for the noob group and Brommus ran the vet group. I will never forget the moment when I had the 7 noobies hiding behind the tree and Brommus made the call "release the noobies!" And my mighty 3-10k prowess fearless noobies charged the fight and rolled the lost minions. Lol good times.

if you have a fun story for DFUW share it here :)


Last edited by HankCosby; 08/19/13 09:44 AM.