My new toy turned up
Came in its own hard plastic carry case with foam inserts very sniper-ish
Took a while to set up had to lose a monitor and I still do not have the focus perfect but WOW!!!!

It’s a real game changer each eye sees its own image so you see the games in 3D
All you see is the image there is nothing else
And the tracking means whenever you move your head the view changes as well

It changes you from being in a room looking at a screen to being inside the screen looking around

Played around with a few demos and half-life2 which has it supported in a beta version after 2 hours I had to stop due to me feeling sick
What my brain was seeing and my body was feeling was not matching up so I got motion sickness !!!!

Next game on the list is War Thunder it’s a beta of a flight sim that supports the rift so should give me a feel for how it will work in SC

One think that is already obvious is you do need to make sure you have all your controls in hand as you are effectively blind to reality