This is a space flying game with FPS aspects of ship boarding there cant fit into skill aspects of the game. Games like LoL are more popular than many games like DFUW since its F2P but it also allows people to buy certain things to save time. You can farm the stuff yourself in game as well. Exactly how SC will be running. Investors ruin many games. DFUW launched without a completed game cause they ran out of money and the investors forced them to launch an incomplete product. At least crowdfunding eliminates that aspect.

The times are changing and F2P games with built in mechanics to purchase things to reduce time are becoming more popular. It all comes down to the opportunity cost a person has to invest their time in something. Its the same basic principle as economics and trading. Everyone wants to enjoy playing games but people don't have 12hrs a day to do so. The opportunity cost for me to spend 12 hrs a day farming for a ship is a lot of extra money working or much needed time advancing my education level.

Also Pay-to-win is buying something that the people in game are unable to achieve. Since you haven't been keeping up on the game its rude to judge a game P2W win. The creator has expressed that anything there is to buy to support the creation of the game is also able to be bought in game for actual credits. 1,000 credits ='s 1.00. So me spending 275.00 on a ship will be equivalent to them buying the ship in game with 275k which they can farm or purchase credits in game if there not at their cap.

Everyone gets a ship at launch and any ship can take out another with the right equipment load-out and pilot.

So please keep you disrespect for a game that doesn't appeal to you elsewhere. There are many that are looking forward to the game. There are countless games that don't appeal to other people.

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KGB TS Server Administrator
KGB High Chancellor - Star Citizen