Originally Posted By: sini
Yes, steam engine and industrial revolution is a good analogy, so don't forget to include poverty, forced urbanization, and social turmoil that resulted from it.

I have hard times believing that we could all find work writing apps and/or in sales&marketing if robotization takes off. Our current social net system is unprepared to deal with consequences of this.

Didn't know about steam engine and Romans. Reference?

Humans have never been perfect. There are always issues. Just, finding new things to do after old tasks become obsolete has never been one. At least on a macro scale over time - macro displacement is temporary.

As for the Roman steam engine, I suggest google - was something I read about in college , current references I could conjure are going to be the same ones you conjure by typing "roman steam engine" in your browser.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)