Jet, you are right.. this did not come (directly) from Obama. It came from Velerie Jarret. She is Obama's Rove. Do the dirty work, punish the enemies, keep the peons in line and act as information gatekeeper etc. Obama just says "get it done, I dont care how" and the Roves, Jarrets, Scooter Libbby, etc of the world go out and move the actual chess pieces.

Holder has been caught out in numerous lies over the past few years, if you believe him when he says anything you are crazy. Holder is corrupt as shit.

But yea, Obama is the captain and its his responsibility. Of course, many of us have known much of this (sans AP stuff, assumed but not known) for a long time. It IS also just the tip of the Iceberg.

Obama runs an extremely partisan, corrupt, and malfeasant govt in many many ways. If this latest hoopla with the AP is enough to actually PROMPT THEM TO DO THEIR JOBS then this administration is done for. There are several other scandals waiting in the wings, this could just be getting started. Even if the AP cools off, the floodgates could be open and more whistle blowers who until now have been too intimidated to come forward might start popping up. And there are a LOT of those.

Never fear though, for the true believers - Obamas hands will always be clean. He surely did not know or approve of any bad behavior or incompetence. Just like Nixon knew nothing of Watergate, Reagan had nothing to do with Iran Contra, Hillary Clinton had nothing to do with Craig Livingstone pulling up the FBI files of opposing political operatives, Bush thought there were really WMDs , and Cheney loves and supports the Constitution.

Last edited by Derid; 05/14/13 05:44 PM.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)