
Sup Brotha!! Damn its been a while. Glad to see your doing alright. I've been whoring myself to a variety of online games since their really is nothing great going on atm. You didnt miss much after WoW. The majority of us quit playing after 6 months. Since then everyone has been split up doing their own games and all. I even went back to SB. I also played Archlord beta. I enjoyed the game up until they cut quests (like level 10ish) then I had to grind my way up from there. I'm assuming that release will have quests all the way through and if so, then I might get the game. Anyway, glad everything is going great. Talk to you soon brotha.

Ya, I played beta like the last month, the retail servers JUST went up this morning, so if u want in, ur not behind at all. In the 3 hours before i went to work, I hit level 11. And ya, there's quests all the way through...but too many quests really. Sometimes it's faster to grind, but the lvl cap got pushed to 99 and the exp doesn't really take that long. Like lvl 10-20 I average about 2-3 levels an hour, and of course it slopes down from there, but not as bad as some of the other games I've played.

I got up at 4 am this morning to get my names. I've been thinking along time of what to switch my Alias to and I got it this morning. Fate...hehe. Think about it.. "You just got killed/pawned/screwed/<u fill it in> by Fate."
So, hence the new sig and stuff. I'm on server Brumhart if u care to join me. Great seeing all of you...much love to the table. I'm going to stick around the forums whether anyone plays archlord or not, but I'd like to get some forums for the game even if we don't put a faction there.

I'm currently playing with some friends I met in beta and they told me anyone who wants to join for me to let them know...so as long as we don't have an official faction I'm hanging with them. So ANYWAYS..Im blabbering, but ya, gimme a ring, and thanks for the PMs on the server infos....

Elph...GIMME MEMBER ACCESS!....please =p

Former KGB Member