1. I didn't intentionally center you in the video, you must have been Lindsey Lohaning it up after I mentioned I was frapsing.

2. Sometimes "G" becomes "F" when you fat finger the buttons.

3. I probably use my grenades to much when I should be shooting people with the gun. But the Nades are have so much more damage, and I like to see shit blow up.

4. Both comments were pretty funny. I didn't notice them until I was trying to edit the video.

5. I would have had a lot of different music cut in, but I'm a serious newbie when it comes to editing video so I have yet to be that efficient. Also, the last 15 minutes that I frapsed this morning didn't get recorded. Apparently it stops after 10 minutes. Or I need to change some settings... so you see I'm seriously new at this.