Well, only time will tell. I hope you are wrong, but its obviously something that cant be proven way one or another. All we can do is work to raise the disgust level of people in general via awareness, and provide an alternative.

I think there is some hope. The hope lies in a new and changed messaging. Before, the message was "if enough people do it, we can win!" which while technically true, isnt very emotionally compelling.

With the new message of "your guy WONT win, but it doesnt matter. By voting for the D/R guy you are endorsing an almost unimaginable level of evil and corruption.. its not about winning." I think there might be some traction. Levels of disgust and distrust of the FedGov are rising to heights not seen since the Civil War , and for good reason.

Finding people willing to vote 3rd party in the vain hope of someday winning is a tough proposition. Finding people willing to stop endorsing the status quo, out of sheer disgust without the hope of winning is, psychologically, a much easier proposition.

Time will tell whether it will enough.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)