Well, I agree with your last line.

My view is however, its time to divide and conquer the GOP. Because we dont really have two parties anymore, the GOP and Dems are the same in all but name... and a handful of socially charged wedge issues that dont really, when it comes down to it, matter in most peoples lives.

If the GOP actually stood for anything other than corruption, I would agree with you. We obviously cannot always get what we want. However, the two major parties have taken the "we can do what we want, because the other guy is just as bad" to the ultimate extreme.

Until enough people start defecting from the main two to start skewing elections on a regular basis (think Greens, Gore in 2000) nothing will change.

As with any monopoly, prices go up and quality goes down. We are paying an extremely high price, for extremely poor quality because so many of us fall into the "I have to vote for someone who can win" trap. Voting for trash, is the same as endorsing trash.

I will vote for someone who I do not agree with 100%, or even 80%, or sometimes even 60%.

I will however no longer vote for human trash, just because the "other guy is even worse". Hopefully enough people stop voting for trash, that we stop getting trash elected officials. Its not gonna be today, and its not going to be tomorrow... can just hope it happens at some point.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)