Originally Posted By: sinij
Originally Posted By: Derid
Everyone has a bias of some sort. The problem with the MSM is they do not even attempt to dig for information or provide critical analysis.

I assume you believe MSM to be "FOX equivalent" on the left?

Alright, I will take your charge of "not providing critical analysis" and raise to FOX intentionally misrepresenting facts to support their make-believe story. I don't object to FOX because they present Right-Side point of view, I object to FOX because they manufacture or intentionally misrepresent facts to manufacture what sells - faux outrage. They are clearly in entertainment/money making business, not in business of keeping people informed, and the irony of this situation does not escape me.

Why would you even bother defending FOX?

The rest of the MSM manufactures and willfully ignores facts just like Fox. I am not defending Fox... I am pointing out that the rest arent any better.

Things like Zimmerman tapes.. which were edited to sound racist, reporting that the Libyan and Egyptian flare ups were spontaneous protests despite all evidence, etc, etc

Thats without even getting into things that are factual, but presented in a way intended to be misleading. My favorite example being Jets Frontline episode on TARP. The journalists did not lie outright, they just allowed the people they covered to lie without critical cross examination, presented a package that created a false consensus and ignored any alternative views.

Yeah, Fox has many faults. But the rest of the MSM is no better.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)