Originally Posted By: Derid

At what cost? I might have considered it feasible, if only barely before Bernanke decided to jump head first off the deep end.

But I will say again - there is no reliable indication that increased revenue would lead to less borrowing, less printing or less QE. Just because common sense says that is what *should* happen means little to the establishment currently in power or likely to gain power anytime soon.

Lets say for the sake of argument that our current path will have us default in 10 years. ( Just for an example)

So we tax everyone more on top of the Bernanke squeeze... and instead of defaulting in 10 years, we have 10 years of excruciating pain but dont default until year 11. Is that really worth it? Higher taxes now just deprives the common man of what little chance there is to prepare for the major corrections.

Obviously noone knows any precise timelines... if such a thing could be proven, the topic would be a lot simpler. But with our spending so astronomically high, and the ratio of useful/wasted money also extremely poor - I think at this point it falls on the govt to justify the current expenditures, not the taxpayers to offer themselves up as willing sacrifices.

You are grasping for the straws here. What you are saying boils down, that just because it doesn't look good right now we shouldn't try doing what even you couldn't deny help.

Increasing taxes WILL HELP with current fiscal situation. Actually, you could solve deficit with just modest across the board tax increase and significant budget cut to defense.

The fact that tea party knuckle draggers would rather see our country burn than compromise is telling volumes.

Why raise taxes? Well, because MORE MONEY IN means LESS DEFICIT. Yes, I know its magical like that.

If you translate your position to a household (I know, generally bad comparison), then you are suggesting that by "living within your means" means just put everything on a credit card and then count on kicking the bucket before it gets maxed out so someone else gets to pay the bill.

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