Originally Posted By: sinij
Imposing taxes right now is stopping offloading fiscal problem on future generation. If you are 60+ and oppose tax increase - fuck you!

is just throwing good money after bad though.

It doesn't work that way. Money gets spent anyways, only on credit. By opposing tax increases for whatever reason you only making it much harder to repay in the future.

Taxes have to increased TODAY, not when you feel government spending meets your personal comfort level.

Actually it does work that way.

Right now we are headed toward disaster. The only hope your average person has of mitigating its impact on their personal life, is to have as much money as possible available now to invest in things that will generate a positive return in a crashed economy.

Taking more money from me today, without addressing the systemic deficiencies of the system will not prevent the massive correction heading our way.

Right now both major political parties would simply take more available tax dollars and spend them... the amount of borrowing would not actually decrease. Just more of our money ending up in the pockets of the connected and the corrupt. More cash to feed the warfare state.

I can see it now "Improved Federal fiscal situation due to tax increases means it is financially viable to invade Iran after all, writes the WSJ".

In order for reasonable people to trust the govt to responsibly use more of our money, the govt needs to re-earn some degree of trust. Without even the faintest level of trust that additional taxes would be used wisely, what reasonable person will volunteer to give more?

Let the govt come up with a real plan, and re-earn some trust in the honesty and effectiveness of govt and people like myself will be willing to cough up more cash - if its to fix actual problems.... not give the govt license to make new ones.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)