The KGB Oracle
Posted By: BoSllBibliotequa Planetside Weekend - 01/11/07 10:33 PM
I was thinking about it earlier, and since it's free right now, lets try to get a squad of around 5 to 10 folks and do some pwnage this weekend.

If you used to have an account you can reactivate it for a month for free.

If you never played, you can play up to level 6 for free until late March, the only thing is once you hit level 6 you can't get any more xp.

The only difference between me for example (level 10) and a level 1 char, is that I have more equipment available to me, so for example I snipe (2 certifications for standard weapons plus 4 for sniping I believe), I heal (2 certifications I think, and in a level (a few kills away) I think I'll be able to resurrect) and, I use a medium armor suit (I think 3 certifications). If you were to use a level 1 character you'd have I think 6 or 8 available right off the bat, and two easily accessible (about half an hour through tutorials pretty much, they give so much xp that they shoot you to level 2) so although you won't be able to ressurect AND snipe most likely, you will be able to do one or the other. All this means is you have just 1 role per character, but we'll have so many people ideally that this won't matter. So for example Syev who tends to like stealth (Feral Druid, Stealth Ships in EVE) can use a stealth suit (like 2 certs, no weapon cert needed since it just uses pistols) and can take up a "trade skill" like Healing, Hacking, Engineering (used by many stealthers to spawn turrets right behind their enemies for a win-button) etc. He'd follow our group stealthed, and when an enemy comes to kill us, he runs behind them and unleashes a burst from his auto-pistol into their backs. Crimthan who tends to use warriors might enjoy being our MAX (tank, slow, but insane damage and armor, for 6 certs you can use all three ( a 9 cert value) the anti-air, anti-armor, and anti-infantry.)

We'll NEED a hacker. The rest is all optional, although a Galaxy Pilot (12-person transport ship) would be cool, as would be 2 Healers with Ressurection ability, a MAX, a Stealther, a person with Rocket Launchers, a person with Heavy Weapons, and so on. I'm sick at sniping, but unless we join an already existing battle so I can actually find a position outdoors to snipe, I won't be sniping much.

You can download it at that site also explains how to make an account. Once you made the account log in and start patching (it's a few years old, so there are tons of patches to download, it'll probably take about a day so start downloading them right now so we can play tomorrow or Saturday or something.)

I know Jet used to play, so theoretically he may be able to game with us for once :P

How about it, what will it hurt? If you enjoy it (God knows we haven't jumped into a vent and had fights where we could coordinate an attack like we'll be able to do in Planetside for months, except maybe PvP in EVE) we can set up certain weekends to play or whatever. If you don't, we can just uninstall it on Monday morning and move on with our lives.

Anyone up for it? It's freeeeeee :P
Posted By: Slinger Re: Planetside Weekend - 01/11/07 10:40 PM
We PvP every night in UO, and that's free too ^_^
Posted By: BoSllBibliotequa Re: Planetside Weekend - 01/11/07 10:50 PM
All right, and I'm currently leveling my char in UO so I can PvP with you guys :P But how about we go give another game a shot as well? What will it hurt?
Posted By: BoSllBibliotequa Re: Planetside Weekend - 01/11/07 11:31 PM
oh, it'd probably be wise to say the character I have is Terran Republic on Markov (the west coast server) the very server KGB used to be on, long, long ago.
Posted By: BoSllBibliotequa Re: Planetside Weekend - 01/13/07 05:12 AM
Chez and I have been pwning it up this weekend. Hyd is currently downloading it, Winter supposedly downloaded it. Join in on the fun, lets get a squad of Fighters tomorrow and play some Ride of the Valkyries on Ventrilo while we destroy a Vanu Sovereignty base ^_^
Posted By: Bishop Re: Planetside Weekend - 01/14/07 01:14 AM
Heh, into the heart of darkness!

If this is still going when i get to idaho im goona buy a new PSU and try to find some internet.
Posted By: BoSllBibliotequa Re: Planetside Weekend - 01/14/07 01:17 AM
Excellent. Chez and Hyd are seeming to enjoy it, I think Tax and Paveway installed it earlier today. Who knows, maybe we'll set up a weekend to play again later this month.
Posted By: Wildcard Re: Planetside Weekend - 01/19/07 06:57 AM
Re-Activated my account to mess around a bit. On Markov playing VS, because I'm BR-20, and CR-3, (and too lazy to do the work again from scratch!) Char. name = RabidHamsterX
Posted By: BoSllBibliotequa Re: Planetside Weekend - 01/19/07 12:25 PM
oh damn we're all TR on Markov :\ Tax and Paveway seem to still be playing it, sadly I notice it at like midnight each time, and having classes at 8:30, I'd say that's more or less bedtime. Hopefully I'll get a chance to play this weekend.

Oh wait, you can make a TR character, just there's some time limit now. You have to wait 12 hours to switch to the other sovereignty's characters.
Posted By: Wildcard Re: Planetside Weekend - 01/19/07 07:19 PM
Bah! TR bastages!

Ok; I hadn't realized that they finally enabled multi-sovereignty on the servers. The shiny, new TR cadet RabidChinchilla has been born!

Just like Boo , the RabidChinchilla will tear their eyes out!
Posted By: BoSllBibliotequa Re: Planetside Weekend - 01/20/07 06:56 PM
logging in now, friended you. It's a friend's birthday this weekend, so may not get much of a chance to play, but if I see anyone on Xfire playing or anyone on vent playing, and I have a chance, I'll definitely drop in.
© The KGB Oracle