The KGB Oracle
Posted By: Arginal Direction - 04/02/09 11:25 PM
Hi guys,

I am wondering if someone can give a general overview of the direction of KGB? I play late at night (your time) and while those who I talk to in vent know some stuff they aren't speaking of the future just what has happened.

So what's the scoop! I will keep hounding :P

If your wondering, WTF? here are some prompt questions

1. Why did we take the new city?
2. Which city should the KGB be focusing?
3. What is the KGB focus for the grunts? Training, farming, defending, raiding?
4. Any sort of long term outlook plan? I.E. Goals. Basically what we have to look forward to.

Yours in service
Posted By: Valaria Re: Direction - 04/02/09 11:45 PM
all very good questions. I am interested in the response from any of the leaders.
Posted By: Syloc Re: Direction - 04/03/09 12:34 AM
Arg, we should really get the PSTs together and group more, we're always behind the EST/CSTers tbh.
Posted By: Arginal Re: Direction - 04/03/09 12:57 AM
When I play it is 12am-6am PST ;-) Those heading to bead and people waking up are the ones I see coming online.
Posted By: JetStar Re: Direction - 04/03/09 01:01 AM

We took another city because the opportunity knocked. We may be able to sell or even move there. This is being worked on. I will do my best to get some objectives up as soon as we have them.

It is all survival at this time, and opportunity, but a objective should be stated.

More to come.
Posted By: Arginal Re: Direction - 04/03/09 01:16 AM
Thanks Jet

I am not trying to stir up trouble (really!) I am just burning with curiosity and feel a like I am not contributing to the future of KGB (due to my late play schedule) as best as I can.
Posted By: rhaikh Re: Direction - 04/03/09 05:00 AM
Best thing to do is to skill up. We all have a long way to go, especially regarding stats. Max is 100 I hear. Gathering resources does this well and it gives us stuff to use when we build in the cities.

Next best thing to do is get yourself geared up.. it's a game of attrition and you can never have too many bags of gear. Currently I am up on gear because these BKB dudes are pretty worthless in pvp.. There is a lot more opportunity to fight up near Darkmoore, I would say Khosgar is relatively safer except that UDA has nothing better to do than poorly attempt to kill us. The fights near Darkmoore are generally more profitable.

Late at night might be a great time to explore too, we don't know the lands around Darkmoore very well, so that could be fun if you're into that.

I think the Savage Alliance guilds are mostly North Americans, correct me if I'm wrong. They have been naked rushing Darkmoore all day, you could go find some of their cities and pay them back by killing their macroers in relative safety.

I'm sure the clan has loftier goals, but for a 1 man KGB team these are the things you can do to effectively help the most.
Posted By: Derid Re: Direction - 04/03/09 05:56 AM

Right now we are considering a big move, to open up a new front in the ongoing war.

A change of scenery, fight with some friends old and new, against a common foe... and take another town in the process.

If you think this sounds fun, then you are in luck =)

If you are wanting to be a bit more chill, the area we are considering has lots and lots of friendlies all in one spot. Many paths are open to us, but the thing to always remember about darkfall is - there is no shallow end of this pool.

We are in deep no matter what we do, and this makes the game exciting =)
Posted By: Arginal Re: Direction - 04/03/09 06:14 AM
Thanks Derid / Jet (and for the poll up in the information area). Polls are a great way to get the members feelings on issues even if you have to go another way at least you know what the guilds mood is!

Cheers guys
Posted By: nethervoid Re: Direction - 04/03/09 03:48 PM
My personal opinions, and based off of vent conversations:

1. Why did we take the new city?

Our alliance wanted to kick BKB in the ass, but when it came time to put up (their city) or shut up, they all sat there like girls. Derid decided screw it, we're men so we put up Khosgar. It was a risky move, but showed our allies and enemies KGB doesn't shy away from a fight. And then we kicked the enemy's ass, so double good on us. We got the honor from risking our city in battle and the glory when BKB was kicked out and we moved in. Now we're going to sell their city to our friends, which must really piss off those BKB guys.

Someone had to bring it. We brought it. To the victor go the spoils. Hooyah!

2. Which city should the KGB be focusing?

Khosgar. (via the post by Jet in the poll)

3. What is the KGB focus for the grunts? Training, farming, defending, raiding?

If you're skills and stats are low like me, keep skilling up as much as possible. Also, as was said before, you really should have at least 3 full sets of gear in the bank because you never know when you'll have time to farm up more gear. Personally I'm going for 5 sets.

4. Any sort of long term outlook plan? I.E. Goals. Basically what we have to look forward to.

IMO, our goal right now should be to get everyone skilled and geared (3 to 5 sets a piece). Maybe work on some skirmishes to help some of us with learning PvP in this game (I suck at it - lol). Long term...I'm not sure there is a long term in this game. Route Hyperion?
Posted By: Syloc Re: Direction - 04/03/09 04:11 PM
Well, everything's in a state of flux at the moment. Whatever the plans may be for our long term plans, the short term plans remain the same; skill up. It's a grind no matter how we cut it, and with the introduction of the new stamina regen, there's no telling how much pvp has changed.

Groups, and lots of them, doesn't hurt.
© The KGB Oracle