The KGB Oracle

Bush supporting arbitrary denial of 2nd amendment rights

Scary shit. Not just fly, or travel, or have a bank account, now moving onto other things....

I remember a day, when you werent a criminal until you had been tried and found guilty. I'm guessing my generation may be the last to remember it for a very, very long time.
oh, you mean the states and the notorious witch hunts you go on through history... get use to it IT HAPPENS AGAIN AND AGAIN EVEN IN YOUR GENERATION
guess I should also say that there have been alot of stupid laws passed but really nothing that keeps you from doing what you really want to do, and thats get drunk and have sex all the time so who cares... now if they try to take my alcohol and sex away I will be the first person up on a bell tower


To the streets with our pitch forks and axe handles!

Wait... is it really that bad?

Imagine what it must of felt like when Lincoln enacted the first draft... Talk about overpowered government taking away rights...

Desperate times call for desperate measures...

As far as I can tell, if you have no contact with known terrorists or make regular long distant calls to Pakistan you should be ok... We've got to do something or we'll sell them the rope to hang us with...

Had this not come up I could see a terrorist killing 50 people in a mall and all of the talking heads on the 24 hour news cycle would be blamming Bush for allowing "suspected" terrorists to buy guns... Couldn't you just see that headline?

"Had this not come up I could see a terrorist killing 50 people in a mall and all of the talking heads on the 24 hour news cycle would be blamming Bush for allowing "suspected" terrorists to buy guns... Couldn't you just see that headline? "


So what.

The point is, it used to be that for the most part, for your rights to be restricted you had to be actually accused, charged and convicted of something. Or at least formally charged.

Now, your name just gets put on a list you cant get it off of easily, if at all. You really think Islamo terrorists are gonna buy their guns at a gun shop anyhow? Im gonna make a CRAZY assumption that international terrorist organizations can probably get weapons even if Dick's Sporting goods wont sell it to them.

The problem here is lack of due process. Lack fo due process is bad. Lack of due process ALWAYS leads to abuse.

Comparing Lincoln to Bush, is also just....... yeah. Seriously. C'mon. Comparing the situation of today with that period of time and situation also just...... yeah.

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Learning from history != comparing Emancipation Proclamation to allowing the Govt to blacklist people w/o trial or likely, viable recourse.
Actualy if you think about comparing Bush to Lincoln, there are alot of similarities.

At the time he only had an 18% approval rating. Now we look back and hail him as one of our greatest presidents.

As for rights not being restricted untill you're charged... I dunno if you've spent any time on the receving end of the police or any other local law enforcment agency, but none of them give a rats ass about your rights. And it's not just recently that this has come about either. If you actualy can find them, there are articles and news reports dating back sometimes more then 50 years where you hear of students assembling at thier college peacefully only to be shot and killed by state police, and the police who killed these students weren't ever prosecuted for the deaths.

Unless they start trying to take guns away from citizens, I'm not too worried about what the govenment is doing to a select few of possible troublemakers.

(by the way, I've not only been put on a watch list, I've got two computers of mine being held by the FBI in a forensics lab.... And honestly, if I hadn't been a dumbass, I would't have gotten myself into all the trouble I did.)

I know the incidents your referring to,Kent State and I have never indicated that there have never been problems. One big difference, is there was quite an outrage back then over the happenings. Today people are mostly silent.

COINTELPRO Led to the Church Committe and helped spur the formation of new laws like the FISA act to limit govt intelligence gathering on US citizens, which has now been trampled over.

There is surely a large degree of truth in your statement about police as well, which makes me wonder why so many people want to give the police more power. It has been bad at times, but I argue in a more closed society with a stronger govt influence on the ordinary citizen, it would have been far far worse.

Instead of thinking that "well there have always been problems, so whatever" we should be thinking "if these problems existed before, imagine how terrible things are going to get if these post-9/11 trends continue".

So, thanks for unintentionally helping me make my point.

Making a relation between bush and Lincoln based on them both at one time having poor approval ratings is also..... not much of a similarity. Ok, they both have been unpopular at times... and? Some people dont care for either apples, or oranges. Just works out that way sometimes.
I guess I didn't quite make my points clear, lack of sleep plays hell on my communication skills....

I agree that there is lack of due process, however I do not think that this is suddenly a new thing we're sprining into. I beleive there has always been and always will be a lack of deu process. Governments will only do what is best for the government.

You're also right, about some terrorist org isn't going to get their guns from a dicks store. Criminals will always find a way to get/have guns no matter how many checks and regulations the state and federal governments put on firearms.

And my relation to Bush and Lincoln is based on more then just a poor aproval rating. Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation is probaly a large part to what gave him the poor aproval rating. It also lead to the succession of large areas of the country and one of the bloodiest and highest loss of life wars the US has fought. In the end, it was all good though.
I look at it more along the lines as these recent Gov. blackballings as part of a way the government is going to do what's best for itself. Do I like it? No.

As far as I can tell, if you have no contact with known terrorists or make regular long distant calls to Pakistan you should be ok... We've got to do something or we'll sell them the rope to hang us with...

But I strongly agree with this statement. You have to look at 9/11. These groups are not afraid to take drastic measures or kill innocent people, just to try and prove a point or be heard. But they're a nameless and faceless group, which is what makes it so tricky as how a government is going to protect it's greatest resource, 'the population'.

And I'm sorry about being long winded....

" But I strongly agree with this statement. You have to look at 9/11. These groups are not afraid to take drastic measures or kill innocent people, just to try and prove a point or be heard. But they're a nameless and faceless group, which is what makes it so tricky as how a government is going to protect it's greatest resource, 'the population'."

The problem is, "mission creep" always always always happens. Today its islamicists, tommorow.... ? ? ? Theres always new uses for an existing legal tool. A govt, any govt will always find them.

I would say that the Govt should be the populations resource, not vice versa. In a facsist establishment, the populace is the Govts resource. In a Free Republic, the Govt
is the populaces resource.

The fact that the former way of thinking is becoming more prevalent, often without people even being cognizant of it, is what I am speaking out against. Remember, all fascism doesnt look like WW2 Germany. Just because brownshirts wont necesarrily be hauling awerage people off to detention camps tommorow doesnt mean that what we are experiencing as a society is healthy.
I agree the government should be the populations resource and not vice versa. I don't think that any government today is a resource to it's population. Even a "Free Republic".. As I said before, a government will always do what is best for itself. Even if it's choices are not in the best interest in its population.

I would look at what the government does, as it's best interest that imediatly negatively effects the mass of it's population the least, being better then WW2 Germany.

Are we headed to fascism? Maybe... And alot of people would be fine with that sadly.

Thinking alternatly is all well and good, but the fact remains that even if those in power are changed, will the next person change anything back to a better time? Or will they continue on? Or worse yet, will the next person to seize power as you said, go from Islamic extreamists to the next target?

For all we know, like Lincolns time, we might be headed into another Civil War. Honestly, I think that's probaly the only thing that's going to change our governments current situation...

(PS- If you don't see me again after this post. Likely the FBI will have taken this computer aswell for my 'terroist' comments. )
Even if it were a civil war that would 'save us', we probably won't ever see one. At least not before someone else decides to blow our shit up first. The majority of our population is so apathetic and conformist that when someone started a 'rally to start the savior of wars, the second civil war' 99.9% of the people around them would just prefer the cops tossed the 'trouble makers' in jail so they don't have to see/hear it.

Found yourself in a pickle ? Want to buy some firearms but
learn you're on that double-naught spy terrorist watchlist ?
Don't fret, use those l33t terrorist skills and build yourself a BOMB !

Just think, you'll get the job done AND help protect our second amendment rights all at the same time ! Some minor
chemistry skills, a freight truck and an assload of propane tanks should do it !

Don't go out being remembered as the guy who shot up McDonalds with a pistol ! Blow that baby to the moon ! Your name will live in infamy !

Maybe ( big emphasis on this word ) someone will realize that banning devices such as guns don't quite cut the mustard there Bunky. . . .

We've been perfecting our killing skills since we first threw rocks at each other.

Banning guns to solve shooting sprees is about as intelligent as banning cars to solve drunken driving. . . :|

I see the principal in your arguement, Derid, and you're right; it seems like a moot point to limit legal gun sales while we have gapping 2,000 boarder that Washington refuses to close. But the fact still remains that we are at war and our citizens seem to refuse to admit it and accept the sacrifices that war requires.

It wasn't a month ago that Soo Chun We (sp?) commited a mass murder at Va. Tech and the news reports were littered with talks of creating a "list" of people who may be mentally unstable and should not be allowed to purchase firearms. I don't think this is an outragous idea; and similairly I doin't think it's outragous for suspected terrorists to be subject to the same restrictions.

Personally I think it is misguided to be upset with the government when you should direct your outrage twards those terrorists whom force us to sacrifice our liberties for security...

I'm upset with people who give up rights out of fear. I dont like losing my rights because other people are scared I guess.

The thing is, I dont even see that other people are scared. I mean who is really scared of terrorsists? Seriously? I figure that some people just assume everyones scared, or believe that "some other ppl somewhere" are scared.

The "war on terrorism" is a permanent war. Why? Terrorism is a TACTIC not a group. A tactic that unfortunatly is validated in the eyes of its users when it forces a society to change from open to closed. If people insist on changing society to fight this tactic, then those same people are by extension saying that open society no longer has a place in the modern world. Because a tactic will never go away.

The only way to defeat terrorism is to refuse to be terrorised. If terrorism never accomplishes anything, then it becomes harder and harder for the terrorists to rationalize its use, and will eventually even come to see themselves as the petty murderers they are.
Similairly I'm frustrated with people who fear our government more than our enemies.

The fact is that no one is afraid of the terrorists... It speaks to how good of a job we've been doing (no thanks to the New York Times).

Also I doubt the terrorists care about an American's right to not be put on a "terror suspect list" and refused the right to purchase firearms. The only validation they will need is our withdrawl from Iraq, which seems enevitable...


Al-Qaida No. 2 mocks American 'failure'
A new video of al-Qaida's No. 2 leader released on Saturday mocks President Bush and U.S. legislation requiring the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, saying the bill would rob the group's fighters of the chance to kill more Americans.
Osama bin Laden's deputy Ayman al-Zawahri derided the new U.S.-backed Baghdad security plan, recounting an April 12 suicide bombing in Baghdad's heavily protected Green Zone when an attacker slipped through security and killed a Sunni legislator in the Iraqi parliament's cafeteria. An al-Qaida-led amalgam of Sunni insurgents in Iraq claimed responsibility.

"And lest Bush worry, I congratulate him on the success of his security plan, and I invite him on the occasion for a glass of juice, but in the cafeteria of the Iraqi parliament in the middle of the Green Zone," al-Zawahri said.

The video was obtained Saturday by U.S.-based monitoring groups who released a transcript to media.

Al-Zawahri, shown seated before a bookshelf in a white robe and turban, addresses legislation pushed by Democratic leaders, and vetoed by Bush, that would have required the first U.S. troops in Iraq to be withdrawn by Oct. 1 with a goal of a complete pullout six months later.

"This bill will deprive us of the opportunity to destroy the American forces which we have caught in a historic trap," al-Zawahri said, according to a transcript released by the monitoring group SITE. The bill is evidence of American "failure and frustration," he added.

"We ask Allah that they (U.S. troops) only get out of it after losing 200,000 to 300,000 killed, in order that we give the spillers of blood in Washington and Europe an unforgettable lesson," he said.

He made no mention of Bush vetoing the bill on Thursday - an indication the video may have been made beforehand.

Al-Zawahri encouraged minorities around the world to join the holy war, or jihad.

"Al-Qaida is not merely for the benefit of Muslims," he said. "That's why I want blacks in America, people of color, American Indians, Hispanics, and all the weak and oppressed in North and South America, in Africa and Asia, and all over the world."

Al-Zawahri claimed al-Qaida fighters in Iraq were "nearing closer to victory over their enemy, despite this sectarian fighting" that has convulsed the country.

He discussed other topics as well in the 67-minute video, including fighting in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Algeria, and Somalia. He made references to Saudi Arabia, Egyptian constitutional changes meant to cement the government's hold on power, and the Pentagon's release of the confessions of al-Qaida No. 3, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - the alleged Sept. 11 mastermind who was captured in Pakistan in March 2003.

Saturday's video was the fifth message - including posted video and audio tapes - by al-Zawahri this year. Osama bin Laden has not surfaced in any communications since mid-2006.
I agree, I don't think we'll actualy get another civil war started.

Slinger said:99.9% of the people around them would just prefer the cops tossed the 'trouble makers' in jail so they don't have to see/hear it.

That's very true.
And you're also right, someone else is prolly going to blow our shit up first. Everyone's gonna be screaming.

"Someone set us up the bomb!" "What you say!?!"


Also, there are people scared of terrorists. They're called "soccer moms". The same group of people, who beleive that all video games are training the youth of America to be blood thirsty killing machines, are the ones who think the terrorists are gonna get them next.
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