The KGB Oracle
Posted By: nethervoid EVE forum? - 11/08/06 03:49 PM
Is there an EVE forum? I was thinking about firing up my old account and joining up with you guys. How many KGBers are playing it right now?
Posted By: Owain Re: EVE forum? - 11/08/06 04:49 PM
We have a pretty good bunch, bit it isn't an official KGB faction, so we aren't running under a KGB banner. Our corporation was named Exile Industries, but we recently joined a larger outfit, and will probably integrate into their organization. All the KGBers run together for the most part, however, and we hook up in ventrillo and have a large time blowing shit up.

Give Elph a PM to ask for access to the private KGB Eve forum. Lots of good info in there...
Posted By: hydr Re: EVE forum? - 11/08/06 06:51 PM
what faction are you from nether? dont recognize your name... and like owain said contact elph she can add you to eve forum. if you have any questions grab us in vent the info is in the great hall forum
Posted By: Dunlop_Phaete Re: EVE forum? - 11/08/06 08:20 PM
Ya, I just got access to it yesterday. She's pretty quick if you'll PM her on it.
Posted By: nethervoid Re: EVE forum? - 11/08/06 08:52 PM

what faction are you from nether? dont recognize your name... and like owain said contact elph she can add you to eve forum. if you have any questions grab us in vent the info is in the great hall forum

Caldari(sp). I haven't played for over a year. I've got some good mining training, missle training, light cruiser training, and some good training into engineering and production. I was working on making missles and ships, I think.

At the time I quit, I was flying a jammer cruiser (blackbird), although I had zero combat time in it. Our corp wasn't ready for combat.

I heard they were going to take out instas. Did that ever go live? I created a whole bunch of dead-on instas for my last corp. I did most of the raid and mining scout stuff.

*edit - PM sent! I think I had ... 8 or 900k training points. We'll see when I re-up. I'll try to at least get in the game tonight. Hopefully I don't get waxed just logging in.
Posted By: Owain Re: EVE forum? - 11/08/06 09:55 PM
Nope, insta's are still alive and well.
Posted By: hydr Re: EVE forum? - 11/08/06 11:22 PM
woops... i meant which kgb faction are you from? haha, yah instas are still in game but right now on on the test server they just implemented "warp to 0km" option so gate to gate bookmarks wont be of any use in the near future which is great now everyone can finally delete them and just keep ALOT LESS bookmarks and should be quite a bit less load on the server. and on players when they open their people places and not lag for 10 seconds.

i wont be boggin the server down copying them to sell on escrow anymore haha!

you can continue your training in combat, dont worry about production so much unless you want to mine and produce ships/mods/ammo for resale but i think a few people might have some manufactering skills already.

anyway catch us on vent this evening if your into the mining there are a few guys that do and have been making ALOT of isk and if you want to get into combat we have that going too...

anyway we can talk about that on the eve forum or on vent
Posted By: ZoneOni Re: EVE forum? - 11/09/06 01:45 PM
and I don't know man i feel like the graphics are alot better since I last played or maybe its just all the dam pepsi i drink, that seems to add a blur effect to what I see.
Posted By: nethervoid Re: EVE forum? - 11/09/06 03:48 PM
From KGB SB: Vengance, but that was a long while back when KGB was a big nation. I played a elven warrior bladeweaver commander bounty hunter. Used to crush healers in the ball. lol That was fun.

Anyway just got my forum access (thanks Elph!) and had to spend all last night DLing the game. My storebought copy doesn't work at all anymore.

Oh and I think I had more like 2.something mil SP now that I think about it.
Posted By: Taxman Re: EVE forum? - 11/09/06 06:42 PM

I heard they were going to take out instas. Did that ever go live? I created a whole bunch of dead-on instas for my last corp. I did most of the raid and mining scout stuff.

From what I hear CCP is going to add "warp to location" (pretty much removing the need for many instas) and leave in the other distance to warp to optionally. No idea on when, perhaps as early as the next update. The servers have been bogged down a lot lately due to huge collections of insta-bookmarks and the trade thereof. So yea, that would pretty much get rid of a LOT of traffic. People will still need safe-spots/etc tho, so doubt if they will kill bookmarks.

Yea the graphics are pretty sweet! But they are actually working those also over the next few months. New engine will support DirectX10 and there will be a LOT of new innovations for the DirectX9 client too.

CCP purchased the distribution rights to EVE, so no more store copy at all - just a download (but it is smaller than one CD).
Posted By: nethervoid Re: EVE forum? - 11/09/06 08:37 PM
So is gate camping going to be possible now? You would have to scramble their jump abilities right when they come out of warp right?
Posted By: hydr Re: EVE forum? - 11/09/06 09:07 PM
gate camping is possible... even if they are using instas, it is easy to counter, you can either have a interdictor pilot (new type of ship, it is a tech 2 varient of a destroyer) pop an interdiction sphere aka pop a bubble that lasts 4 mins and will either A if someone just came through that gate will be inside the bubble because its a 20km radius and they cant warp unless they get out of it or if they are warping to the gate where the bubble is at they are pulled to the outside edge of the bubble

or the 2nd option is to use a mobile warp bubble that you have to anchor and carry around takes 1 min to anchor... the best option is with a dictor pilot as this is best for mobile gangs/fleets which we are

and like you said or you can scramble them if you see the gate fire and wait for them to move outta the 30 sec gate cloak timer if they are in a slow ship otherwise if its an interceptor or shuttle they will be gone before you can even get a lock
Posted By: nethervoid Re: EVE forum? - 11/09/06 11:20 PM
Wow the interdictor sounds like the easy button for gate ganks. lol
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