Long time KGB Member and Senator Drakiis will be serving his first tour as High Chancellor of the upcoming KGB Planetside 2 Faction State. Please see the KGB Articles of Confederation and Constitution for details on this new structure.
Because of the planned level of participation in this faction, Drakiis received a vote of confidence from the KGB Senate.

The requirements of the KGB Articles of Confederation, Section 5, Clause 3, will not begin until 7 days before the release of the game which has yet to be announced.
Originally Posted By: KGB Articles of Confederation, Section 5, Clause 3
Clause 3: Every 60 days, the High King/High Queen, with the support of Federal Officers, would hold a vote of confidence (1st of every other month). Citizens involved in a specific faction would be required to vote for or against confidence in the current Faction leadership. A Citizen should not vote regarding factions they are NOT involved in. Majority rules. If the current High Chancellor is approved by the membership, then they and their cabinet would remain in office, if voted against, the High King/High Queen would appoint a new High Chancellor.
**FACTION STATE SPECIFIC - If a leader loses a vote of confidence in a Faction State, then the FACTION STATE membership would vote on a replacement. The KGB Federal Government does not have the jurisdiction to appoint or remove any officer in a FACTION STATE outside of a loss of confidence vote.

Please join me in congratulating Drakiis in his new position.