This is off a Email from a friend, his cousin had to go to California for his job and this is what he sent him.

So I've been stuck out here in the land of fruits and nuts....of which they have's a few reasons why I hate this state:
1) They have a propane tanker on a train and derail. So the detour sends me to the Seirras and back on dirt roads to get around it the first night. The second night, some of my colleagues that are local give me a better detour that they stupid CHiPs should have used in the first place.
2) OMG...they TAX EVERYTHING here.
3) They have sections of the road where you are required to have your headlights on, or you get a $250 ticket. IT DAYLIGHT you MORONS!
4) Why do all the guys out here act and dress like they are on Jersey Shore?
5) They randomly change the speed limits on the highways. Especially after you come around a curve so you have to jam on your brakes from 55 to 35. No warning signs or anything. Some signs are covered by trees.
6) The people have NO CLUE on how to drive. Right hand turns from the far left lane on a 4 lane road....common.
7) Their roads SUCK! SUCK! SUCK!
The state leisure activity is staring off in to's smoking medical marijauna that makes them stare off in to space. Put the joint down and get a life. You're 20, you don't have cataracks...get a job and a life.
9) Yes I understand this is only your side job as a waitress and you REALLY are an actress. Can you get me my damn food and a refill on my drink? I swear 75% of these people think they are going to make it big on the screen...
10) Prices on anything out here is outrageous....
11) Did I mention they TAX EVERYTHING? Next week they start the breathing tax.....

This is just the beginning of the list....I have many more gripes. Now I see why, even with all of the illegal immigration, california has a negative population growth rate....this place is C R A Z Y....