Tables are really nice but for school work/etc I would rather have a netbook/eeePC/Laptop instead.

Don't get me wrong, I love my Moto Xoom 10" tablet but I don't think I could be doing schoolwork on it but that could be just because I never had such things back then.

With a USB or wireless keyboard and the various free office apps (read: OpenOffice, etc) it could be used well for papers, spreadsheets, etc.

I'm sure it could be done but having all 3 types, 4 if you count smart phone, I still use my tablet for browsing, android games, etc and haven't really done anything productive other than using Google maps/etc which is a BIG help in downtown Washington D.C. smile

I would say for that $ see what you can get in the range of a mid-sided laptop and I think you'll be happier but if you go tablet route maybe, as stated, a Windows tablet would be easier to transition into those critical tasks we've used desktop/laptops now for years for.

I'm a big Andy fan.. Really big but I don't think it's yet there in the way of bigger/involved tasks such as doing a spreadsheet with a powerpoint embedded, et all.

That's my 2c but did I say I *really* love my Android tab? A LOT smile