WOW...Hola Zwe. Darkfall is a first person, MMO with UO type consequence full loot and mostly sandbox implementation. With respect to PVP and those things you were always good at, Darkfall presents you with the best opportunity to excel in an environment you would enjoy from the past.

The grind is a bit rough, but they have diminshed it with off line leveling abilities and such, and you can have a viable character within 45 to 60 days, faster if you can devote massive amounts of time, or have two accounts with the ability to set up macro's on yourself. This is not as effective as it used to be due to AV's attempts to nerf it, but it is still viable.

G15 or nostromo type pads are necessary to be completely competitive in the open PVP environment, but you can survive without if you have back-up. For the pure adreniline rush, thrill of having to constantly watch your back no matter where you are (even in cities and your own house) even more than in UO, Darkfall is the game for you.

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