LOL..typical Uber. So wishy washy bro. First, murder everyone who does not play DFO and now bury it. LOL...go back in your corner ya bipolar biznatch.

Darkfall itself, as a concept, is a phenominal game, still. It's the implementation and mechanics that are broken to hell and back. The ideal would be a re-wash, take it down, fix it as we all know it needs to be and can be, re-package and re-release. But that would cost AV all of its remaining loyal players and all the power players who devoted years of pain and hackage to get where they are.

So realistically, it wont do either and those who can tolerate its quirks will stay with it, and those who get fed up will go the way of those of us who have left. For those still enjoying it, I wish you the best. For those who have left, enjoy whatever you do, and hope to unite all of KGB in one game land somewhere down the road.

[Linked Image from]