Originally Posted By: Ictinike
Here, I've linked it..

Sounds like a bunch of 9/11 truther commies to me. I'm sure that some of what they say has a grain of truth (like the banking cartel) but to be perfectly honest. The first 13 minutes of the video was 10 minutes of music and cheesy effects and 3 minutes of actual talking so I stopped watching and did some research.

Venus project = Profit hating Commies

Now, having said that, the basic idea of communism is not corrupt and is centered on each person treating each other fairly, but the simple fact is that, no matter how much we want others to act that way, some people are just wired to be assholes and will always take instead of give when given the choice. That greed is why communism doesn't work, and a system like capitalism, which affords a risk/reward system, is necessary. Is capitalism perfect? Absolutely not. Is it rife with corruption? Certainly, but currently there is no other system on this planet that works on a macro scale to satisfy the needs of the populace. Communism does work on a micro scale because when you're dealing with small groups you can weed out the assholes and only include the people who genuinely want it to be successful (like the Venus project in FL) but as soon as you try to apply those principles to the rest of the populace you have to incorporate the greedy and they will do anything they can get away with to corrupt the system in their favor. The advantage that Capitalism affords the people is the opportunity to change their social position through hard work and determination. Unfortunately many have been conditioned to see these as vices not virtues.

As for the 2012 thing; its total BS. If the world does actually start to fall apart in December of next year, I'll be sure to log in here and issue an apology.

[Linked Image from i30.photobucket.com]