Thanks everyone!

We have been told that its terminal and the only thing they can do is continue with chemo treatments and radiation until the end.

We have decided that after the rediation treatments to shrink the tumors in her brain. We are going to stop all further chemo and radiation and switch to alternative medicine. Right now she has a 3.1% chance of survival with conventional treatments so why continue.

I have done a lot of research and found that some alternative medicice does completely cure cancer. I have found people in our city that through proper diet and alternative medicine they were completely healed after being sent home to die. My wifes first chemo treatments were over $250,000.00 and later found out that all it did is shrink the tumor in her breast. I also found out that the drug they used Taxol actually shrinks and breaks up the tumor, thus spreading it through her body. She had a pet scan and brain scan before chemo and radiation and the cancer was confined to her breast, after chemo surgury and radiation it has now spread through her blood to her brain and not sure if it has spread anywhere else. Now they want to do chemo all over again.........I also found that chemo only kills 80% of cancer cells.

Cancer is caused by your immune system being overrun by toxins and a lack of certain vitamins. Cancer can be prevented. I wish my wife and I would have been more educated on this before.
The statistics are now up to 1 in 3 will develop cancer in thier life time.

I will let you know how we make out on alternative medicine. I hope our experience will help someone else.

disclaimer: I am not a doctor and these are my views after my research. smile
