Wow, I like your attitude! You must enjoy being in KGB alot to make a post in effort to ensure your making it in. I like the effort.

I would like to remind you and other applicants of this.

Several people have gotten nervous as the end of their 2 week voting period approaches and they are not yet a full member in the clan. This is not an issue that should stress you. A member that applies can get all their "yes" votes on day two after putting their application in. However, you do not get your Knighthood until the end of your 2 weeks.

So please, do not assume that you do not have all your votes simply based on the fact that you are not a knight and the end of your 2 weeks is approaching. There are even special circumstanse for our less active members that work alot and other such things that will allow their application to stay active far past their 2 week period.

I hope this helps put any worries you or any other applicant may have to rest!