Best part of that is voice modulator. Another couple of generations and it will be speaking with perfect inflection and seamless flowing transitions. So here is the huge advantage Watson has over a human. Its reflexes and motor processing. A human has to process the question, time the button push to the light, and then spit out the right answer in the form of a question.

Watson, has to only process the question, then wait for the digital signal that it is acceptable to button in, and that is its advantage. The reflex of a normal human response to the light going off signaling its ok to button in vs. Watson's nanoseconds of processing 0 and 1s from the time the light is signaled until it buttons in.

Where Watson is at a disadvantage is cognitive thought to understand the nuances of the English language, especially in Jeopardy style questions. This is where I wonder if the questions are feed to Watson in digital format as they are asked, or does Watson have to process the announcers voice and turn it into binary values. If Watson was processing the voice, I would be utterly impressed.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!