So Al, bought a house with an Ocean view. Funny because I thought all of the ocean front property was going to be gone due to global warming? Not to mention he spews shit about living modestly and having less of an imprint on mother earth and it's fuel consumption.

I'm not sure, but I think a house that has 5 bathrooms could power many smaller houses that people otherwise homeless could use. But hey... it's do as I say, not as I do. And the kicker of the whole thing is that people believe him. (facepalm)

The Enquirer is claiming there's a tape of Obama cheating on his wife. The Dems are going to have to revert to their defensive game plan, or you can kiss this whole Marxist-based society plan goodbye.

Pray for the oil flow to cease in the Gulf. The atheists can't save us now. They're too busy killing fetuses and digging-up dirt on Sarah Palin.