Originally Posted By: Tasorin
On a side note, I spoke to my inside source with AV and the GM's use of the banhammer is always under constant review. AV knows they have some Rouge GM's, and has asked that we give them our intel so they can close down sympathetic GM's who are using there in game powers as an advantage on a A v A level.

When my report is done, I hope that those GM's will be removed, the report and ban logs pulled, and the accusing account which resulted in a GM action will be in turn banned.

That's right you fucking bitch(s), The GSS is coming after your account(s) first and foremost. I do this shit for a living on the Global level, you really think you can cover your tracks and manage to evade us? Your ego and e-peen is going to be the death of you.

Let me put it to the KGB members this way. We have rats among us acting as Knights, guard your activities well and begin to look closer at others activities and how they play out with mysteriously getting rolled or contacted by a GM.

Kobold you were targeted in order to stop your toon development plain and simple. One more way the x-box generation continues to support the belief that for the most part they are social douche bags.

I love you Tasorin

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