Add Bridge Burner the SG of UdA to the list of banhammer victims.

Originally Posted By: ForumFall

although i appreciate you trying to defend me bud, i already came clean and laid it all out publicly befor anyone knew it was true. As for UDA as a clan, they obviously had no idea that i bought that POS program(as did no1 else in the game...except AV lol) as already stated i used it i used all of it, and rest assure i was the only 1 from the clan who was banned. so back off UDA's nutts and get over it. no1 cares. move on children.

ps. no im not playing still, the game is on its way out(prob part of the reason i took the risk i did in the last month i played). i just posted to help clearify some things for you self proclaimed 'know it alls' and social butterfly who love to gosip....keno. anyway gl to you all and have fun finding that 1 good pvp experiance per week.
Bridge Burner

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!