Well someone did a damage test with a keened silverbranch with a high dex and max archery versus a keened magnified corpsecaller with +75 Fire intensity; and the damage per fireball is like 8 points more than the keened silverbranch, from that vid. (DFO forums)

I dunno, sure in sieges you help with the large AOEs - but it doesn't help that much ... just because the fact that I drain mana too fast.

I've had a lot of sucess with archery in the past going full bone/scale - so never tried it with plate on.

See if you could mitigate most of the magic damage from heavy AND no encumbrance, it's deadly. Of course in sieges you wouldn't be as effective because of the lag involved (it's easier to spam nukes in a lagfest) but I've gotten more kills with the bow than blast, because with cycling R50 nukes, it's like painting a huge target on your back because it's obvious who u are firing at.

Duels are fine and it's a good indication of skill - however they mean nothing in the group dynamic tbh - especially since an actively dodging heavy plate rushing toward you (if he knows what he's doing) should be able to dodge even the best shot.

I'm thinking that no one goes high dex, so if we hit 90-100 dex longterm; that's adding 9 to 10 damage PER hit. That's beefy. So instead of doing 30s you'd be doing 40s. With rapid shot, that's sick.

Last edited by Syloc; 04/22/10 07:25 PM.

Former KGB Member