Originally Posted By: Van Cleef
Is it better to sell the iron ore and other materials I gather and buy the weapons from the guild or would it be better to trade the mats for the weapons?

My opinion and approach is this:

1. Go 'window shopping' here http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=r4w-x_H4FZM-80qjt1Sv5Bw&gid=12
2. Add up the mats you need for the items you want
3. Go harvest required mats (iron, wood) and/or buy the leather and cloth from the merchant in town, its cheap.
4. Ask in vent for one of our Master Crafters to make any R50+ items, but for R0~R40 find someone who's working toward mastery.

Most crafters will be more than happy to craft for you, since its 'free skill' gain for them. I like to toss them a 'tip' of some type to show my appreciation when they just spent 10-20min of their time filling my order (i.e. some enchant mats, extra mats, gold). You'll find people will be more willing to stop what they're doing if they know they'll get a treat =)

The only thing you'll really spend coin on is 'Hybrid Sets' which the guild will mass produce and sell for only 500g to members (chain helm, glove, boot: the rest bone).

While we're at Andruk, make good use of the East 'Menhir' Dungeon, you'll get R40 1h and 2h swds as well as R40 staffs and R40 bows. Also make sure you check the rings you find, some of them reduce stamina cost by 10% for all actions.

Grunts to the north drop decent shields as well as R40 bows.